Synesthesia test (Manuel Norton)
Seems so weird that this is rare because it feels so normal to me…I've always wondered if my associations were skewed by those. Although it has been characterized as idiosyncratic, a number of regularities in the synesthetic experience have also. We tested the dynamic properties of this phenomenon by exposing two synesthetes to characters that rotate smoothly, that morph into other characters, that disappear abruptly, or that have.
Book Covers Through the Eyes of a Synesthete.
Interestingly, the colors of the afterimages vary, which is puzzling because they come from the same original figure.
Part of my synesthesia is that I see letters and numbers in. You passed the Grapheme-Color Synesthete Test! So I have a poorly understood neurological thing that's not a disorder but it's weird and mostly to do with perception and maybe magic or something?
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